Mainstream Green in the News: Reusable Shopping Bags You Don’t Have to Buy

Many people have expressed concern about the impact that plastic shopping bag bans would have on  low income people.

In this video, a news story which appeared on Spectrum News in CNY, Mainstream Green's President, Dana Johnston, talks about how people can use what they already have, to make their own reusable shopping bags. Click on the image to open a new window with the video.

Mainstream Green in the News: Provided Thousands of Reusable Shopping Bags to Food Pantries

Many people have expressed concern about the impact that plastic shopping bag bans would have on  low income people. Mainstream Green has addressed this issue in a number of ways, including donating thousands of reusable bags to food pantries throughout Onondaga County NY, and using social media to suggest that other charities in other counties and states take the same action.

In this video, which was a news story produced by Spectrum News CNY, Mainstream Green's President, Dana Johnston, talks about how reusable bags are an investment in our children's children's futures. Click on the image to open a new window with the video.

MLK Day: Lifting #EnvironmentalJustice with Reusable Bags

MainstreamGreen has eliminated the waste of 364,000 single use plastic shopping bags this year alone by donating thousands of reusable shopping bags to food pantries in Onondaga County, NY.  Here Mainstream Green's president, Dana Johnston, delivers 200 bags for distribution at the Martin Luther King day of service celebration at Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility, Inc.

Mainstream Green donates reusable shopping bags on Martin Luther King Day of Service, Syracuse NY

#EnvironmentalJustice   #DoTHISwhereYOUlive



Look what Mainstream Green’s #PlasticFreeFridays Facebook Group Led To!

Marcellus biology teacher makes news with Boomerang Bags

When Marcellus High School chemistry teacher Ellen Spencer started following Mainstream Green's  "#Plastic Free Fridays" group on Facebook, "a group dedicated to helping its followers find ways to use less plastic, she had no idea she would start a movement in her town, "  and be the subject of this Syracuse . com story.  We congratulate Ellen Spencer on her initiative, creativity, persistence and we congratulate the Town of Marcellus NY for having such a great teacher,  and a community that pitches in to help the planet.

Read the news story here:

Marcellus NY teacher Ellen Spencer started a Boomerang Bag program in her town

Marcellus NY chemistry teacher, Ellen Spencer, started a Boomerang Bags program in her town.

Mainstream Green Launches Reusable Shopping Bags for Food Pantries Program


One Food Pantry Director's Thoughts on Mainstream Green's program:

"With the availability of reusable bags you have given us, Mainstream Green empowers all of us to participate in NY State's ban on plastic and contribute to the global movement of community environmental health. With the bags we are enabled to educate and reinforce to our community the detriments of single use plastic bags while creating a user friendly option of moving their foods. We have struggled with moving all of University United Methodist Church efforts, activities and events into a more green methodology. Our largest barrier has been the cost of reusable bags and the elimination of plastic in our Food Pantry. You have eliminated this barrier. We have created a distribution plan and incentives to ensure the bags are brought back each month. We strive to have all folk who access our Food Pantry utilizing their new bags in the New Year and well on their way to new habits that create a healthier city for us all." --  Galyn Murphy-Stanley, University United Methodist Church Food Pantry, Syracuse NY

Reusable shopping bags given to Onondaga County food pantry by Mainstream Green

Mainstream Green distributed 3500 reusable bags to patrons of food pantries in Onondaga County NY
Plastic bags flyaway litter

720,000 plastic bags used every hour in USA

US consumers throw away 100 billion bags each year

That's like dumping out 12 million barrels of oil every year

3500 reusable bags will replace more than 182,000 plastic bags in one year


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Syracuse's NE Community Center Food Pantry received reusable bags from Mainstream Green
Patrons of Syracuse's Grace Church Food Pantry received reusable bags from Mainstream Green