Mainstream Green in the News: Provided Thousands of Reusable Shopping Bags to Food Pantries

Many people have expressed concern about the impact that plastic shopping bag bans would have on  low income people. Mainstream Green has addressed this issue in a number of ways, including donating thousands of reusable bags to food pantries throughout Onondaga County NY, and using social media to suggest that other charities in other counties and states take the same action.

In this video, which was a news story produced by Spectrum News CNY, Mainstream Green's President, Dana Johnston, talks about how reusable bags are an investment in our children's children's futures. Click on the image to open a new window with the video.

MLK Day: Lifting #EnvironmentalJustice with Reusable Bags

MainstreamGreen has eliminated the waste of 364,000 single use plastic shopping bags this year alone by donating thousands of reusable shopping bags to food pantries in Onondaga County, NY.  Here Mainstream Green's president, Dana Johnston, delivers 200 bags for distribution at the Martin Luther King day of service celebration at Syracuse Model Neighborhood Facility, Inc.

Mainstream Green donates reusable shopping bags on Martin Luther King Day of Service, Syracuse NY

#EnvironmentalJustice   #DoTHISwhereYOUlive