BMWi3 All Electric Sedan
(From June 2015) We test drove the new BMWi3! Invented to be electric, this intentionally “designed to be sustainable” sedan has incredible acceleration with sports car handling. Imagine having a guilt free, CO2 free, fun-filled driving experience! It uses regenerative braking to help extend its 80 mile driving range. Plug it in at home at night, and the next morning you’re good to go. It takes an 18.8 kWh charge. It can parallel park itself, also! Tax credits available up to $7K, with base model priced at $44K, means you can own it for $37K. We calculated that compared to what one of us was spending on gas for a Toyota Rav4, if she bought the BMW, in just 7 years her savings in gas and oil changes alone would pay for the purchase price of the E-Beemer! #BMWi3 #guiltfree #CO2free #drivingfun