By the time you get through your supermarket checkout line, you may have your mind on the next item on your to-do list and not on what your checker person is saying when they ask you if you want them to put your gallon of milk in a bag. You may not even hear them ask. Then suddenly you see yourself leaving the store with the greatest ocean pollutant, enemy of fish and wildlife, the sewer-clogging, petroleum wasting, BPA-spreading blight that is the flimsy, yet ultimately indestructible disposable carryout plastic shopping bag. Milk jugs do not need bags.
Tag: single use plastic bags
Multi-media presentation in Skaneateles, NY, Monday 4/16/18 @ 7 pm

Stop #PlasticPollution #NoMoreSingleUsePlasticShoppingBags #UseReusableShoppingBags #protectwater
Why & How To Beat the Plastic Bag Plague: Dana Johnston, founder of the environmental charity, Mainstream Green, Inc., will provide a compelling multi-media presentation to show Why & How single use plastic bags and other plastic consumer disposables should be avoided like the plague they are. The public is welcome to attend this free event. A question and answer period follows the presentation. @ The Creamery, Hannum St. Skaneateles, NY 7 pm
Multi-media presentation in Skaneateles, NY, Monday 4/16/18 @ 7 pm

Stop #PlasticPollution #NoMoreSingleUsePlasticShoppingBags #UseReusableShoppingBags #protectwater
Why & How To Beat the Plastic Bag Plague: Dana Johnston, founder of the environmental charity, Mainstream Green, Inc., will provide a compelling multi-media presentation to show Why & How single use plastic bags and other plastic consumer disposables should be avoided like the plague they are. The public is welcome to attend this free event. A question and answer period follows the presentation. @ The Creamery, Hannum St. Skaneateles, NY 7 pm