Love a kid & love your planet, at the same time, with #TURNitOFF anti-idling t-shirt!
Don't Idle Away Our Atmosphere! Did you know: We waste 3.8 million gallons of fuel EVERY DAY in America, by letting our cars run while they are stationary? Burning 1 gallon of gasoline in a car engine produces 18.07 lbs of CO2. Carbon traps heat in earth’s atmosphere. If we avoid 1% of gallons used idling, we’d prevent release of 390 tons of carbon daily, with no drastic change to lifestyle.
Purchase one of these t- shirts and spread the message about idling! When your car is in P, #TURNitOFF!
Available in Children's Small, Medium, Large and XL. These shirt are 100% cotton and Made In America! Proceeds go to Mainstream Green, Inc., a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit. Order now using this form, and we will send you an invoice you can pay online or with a check via US mail. All shirts are shipped via Priority Mail fixed rate boxes.